The best toy for your cat might be your tablet! These fun and zany apps are perfect for cats. Worried about your screen? The folks over at Friskies ® who created say, “We’ve found that the alkali-aluminosilicate glass screen on the iPad® stands up to our cat’s claws with no problems, but please be aware that a cat’s sharp claws could damage add-on plastic film ‘screen protectors.’”
#1 – CatFishing 2
This game, developed by Friskies®, was researched and tested to excite your cat’s senses. Your cat paws at the screen to catch the fish. Available for iPad®, iPhone®, or Android™ Tablet.

Click page 2 below for the next app!
#2 – CrazyCat
CrazyCat HD has your cat swatting at all sorts of critters that skitter, fly, and crawl around on the screen. There is a free version, but it does not work well. The paid one had a Bluetooth-enabled mode where you can use your Bluetooth to control the critters – allowing you play with your cat! Available on Android™.

#3 – Cat Pinball
Why not? In this fun game, your cat swats at a ball, which zooms across the screen to score points and create more action. Available for Android™.

#4 – Paints for Cats
Your cat can become a purrcasso with this fun app. While chasing a mouse, your kitty will be making a painting. Available on iPad®

#5 – Pocket Pond 2
While not made for cats, they certainly love it! The beautiful koi respond to touch, including “biting” your finger (or paw) and swimming around. It is sure to captivate your cat. Available on Android™.

#6 – 123 Smash: Bugs!
Created to teach kids numbers and colors, the makers (Sam Kang & Jesse Willmon) found their cats loved to chase and smash the bugs too! Available for iOS and Android™.

#7 – Gizzy’s Friend
Has your cat been meowing for a mouse to mess with? Get him his very own rapid rodent with this fun app. He can chase and hunt to his heart content, without leaving a mess for you to clean up. Available on Android™.

#8 – Catch the Mouse
For those with Apple devices, here is the cat-n-mouse game for you. This one has real mouse sounds and lets your cat catch the mouse.

#9 – Tap Cat Playground
Another game designed for kitties, this one lets them play with a fish, cockroach, or mouse. Available for Android™.

#10 – Cat Game
This game is simply a computer version of playing with a laser pointer. Only difference? You don’t have to control the laser. Available on iOS 2 or later on iPhone®, iPad® and iPad® touch.