Man Scours Shelter For Pedigree Cat, Kitten With Deformity Grabs His Heart

| February 25, 2024

Arlo, a young kitten, found his way into a local shelter in search of a forever home. The staff quickly realized that Arlo was unique. Despite having a curved spine and a facial deformity, these physical differences did nothing to diminish his charm. The affectionate little feline quickly endeared himself to everyone at the shelter.

With shelters being overrun by needy animals, the staff worried that Arlo wouldn’t find a home because of his deformities. The vet diagnosed him with hydrocephalus which is the reason for his unique features. But despite his diagnosis, he was otherwise healthy.

A man named Davy was looking to adopt a senior cat, preferably a pedigree. He lived a relaxed, slow-paced life in the country. He felt an older cat would fit in perfectly. Davy went to the shelter and searched for his kitty soulmate. The cats looked at him from their cages, vying for his attention.

But Davy was already taken. Arlo saw him from across the room and meowed until Davy came closer. The two locked eyes and fell head-over-paws in love. Would Davy look past the young cat’s age and facial deformity? Play the video below to find out!

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