A few months ago, police officers in Pusan, South Korea responded to an unfortunate call. Love Meow reports they arrived at the car accident they were called for, but instead found a box of deceased kittens. They lovingly buried them as their mother watched from a few feet away. Thankfully, this story has a much more bittersweet ending.

Recently, the mother cat returned to the police station to visit the officers. They named her Molang, which means “Don’t know,” because they don’t know where she came from. Much to their surprise, she was pregnant. But this time, she wasn’t going to leave. She made herself at home and gave birth to four kittens. The police officers made her a home in their guard post and made sure she and her kittens were comfortable.

Instead of taking them and moving out, Molang decided that the police station was where her family belonged. Her kittens play around the precinct, sleeping on boxes and being entertained by the officers on their free time.

This little feline family have now become the mascots of the police station. They have a wonderful, forever loving home with these amazing officers. The humans and kittens have all become one big family; the kittens keep the police officers company and help them work better and the officers take care of Molang and her babies.