The blaring sound of an alarm clock is universally dreaded, and it turns out that animals aren’t too fond of it either. For us humans, alarms symbolize early mornings filled with chaos, like mismatched socks and rushing through our morning routines. So, it’s understandable that animals might share our disdain for that annoying sound.

To a pet, an alarm signifies their human’s departure for the day, which means no more attention, food, or playtime. It’s no wonder pets might not be thrilled when the alarm goes off, signaling their owner’s impending exit.
This brings us to a video we stumbled upon titled “Cranky Cat Turns Off Phone Alarm,” which immediately resonated with us. The video description reads, “My companion and I were arriving late to work because the phone alarm wasn’t waking us up. Recently, we have discovered that our kitty Joaquim was the one who was turning off the alarm.”

In the video, Joaquim the cat perches on a nearby TV stand, already appearing irritated as he anticipates the alarm. Meanwhile, his owner lies in bed, recording the moment just before the alarm sounds. Today, fortunately, she woke up early to catch Joaquim in the act—he’s been habitually turning off her alarm, making her and her friend late for work.
As the alarm finally goes off, Joaquim springs into action. He strolls to the bedside table with an air of annoyance. Despite his lack of urgency, it’s clear he’s frustrated. Upon reaching the phone, Joaquim repeatedly swipes at it, trying to silence the alarm. His irritation grows as the persistent noise continues.

After a few swipes, Joaquim finally manages to turn off the alarm, restoring peace. However, he isn’t done expressing his displeasure. He leaps onto the bed and starts swatting at his owner’s arm, clearly miffed about the daily disturbance.
It’s safe to say Joaquim is not a morning cat.

The amusing video, shared on YouTube by ViralHog, quickly garnered over 1.2 million views. Viewers around the globe flocked to the comments to express their enjoyment:
“Somehow, that cat is smart enough to dismiss an iPhone alarm. That’s incredible.”
“Turns off the alarm and then bites your arm like crazy, love this kitten.”
“But this cat takes care of people and allows them to sleep as much as they want :)”
“I can’t wait for them to show this to their bosses!”
If we were their boss, we’d probably find the whole situation hilarious too!