Watch How This Demanding Cat Begs For More Belly Scratches

Written by: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| Published on July 28, 2016

Some cats just love getting their fluffy bellies scratched–and some won’t take “no” for an answer!

This video, posted by Imgur user whydoyouevenreadthis, shows the adorable kitty reaching for her human’s hand to get more scratches! The video is appropriately captioned, “Come back here!” If cats could talk, that’s definitely what this one would be saying!

Come back here!

Those polydactyl paws look like thumbs reaching for the hand that gives belly scratches! Do you think this kitty is part Maine Coon? It’s so fluffy and affectionate, it just might be! Either way, it’s a beautiful mix.

Does your cat do something funny to get affection? We’d love to hear–tell us in the comments!

Some cats just love getting their fluffy bellies scratched–and some won’t take “no” for an answer!

This video, posted by Imgur user whydoyouevenreadthis, shows the adorable kitty reaching for her human’s hand to get more scratches! The video is appropriately captioned, “Come back here!” If cats could talk, that’s definitely what this one would be saying!

Come back here!

Those polydactyl paws look like thumbs reaching for the hand that gives belly scratches! Do you think this kitty is part Maine Coon? It’s so fluffy and affectionate, it just might be! Either way, it’s a beautiful mix.

Does your cat do something funny to get affection? We’d love to hear–tell us in the comments!