Truck Driver Stops Traffic to Rescue Kitten on Highway

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| July 12, 2024

Everyday acts of kindness towards animals can be incredibly heartwarming and inspirational. One such event involved a truck driver who took decisive action to save a cat stranded on a busy highway.

On May 12, Officer Stanfield from the Alachua Police Department in Florida discovered a kitten lying in the middle of Highway 441.

A Facebook post from the department detailed how numerous vehicles narrowly avoided the cat, yet none stopped to help. That is until a truck driver from Mi Apá Latin Cafe intervened.

This driver halted traffic, enabling the police to arrive and safely remove the cat from the hazardous situation.

Bodycam footage captured the rescue and was shared by the department on May 22, quickly amassing over 56,000 views on Facebook.

The video drew widespread acclaim, with many lauding the truck driver and officers as “true heroes.”

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She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes

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Mi Apá Latin Cafe also joined in the praise, commending their employee: “We have the best officers in Alachua and our drivers always know what the priority is.”

The story concludes on a high note: the rescued cat was adopted by one of the department’s dispatchers.

“We’re thrilled to share that this little furball has found a loving forever home,” the department announced on Facebook.

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