He’s always been a dog person, while they’ve taken on the role of temporary caregivers for a stressed-out cat in need of affection. Now, he can’t imagine life without Bug and is urging his wife to make the adoption official.
Bug started out as a stray kitten. He arrived at the Michiana Humane Society, starved for love and affection. Whenever a staff member, volunteer, or visitor approached, Bug would extend his paw through his kennel, hoping for a touch.

Bug also had a habit of rubbing his face against the kennel door, causing fur loss. His stress levels were so high that he barely ate, presenting a heartbreaking scene. The staff even placed another cat in his kennel for companionship, but it wasn’t enough. Bug needed a home environment, even if temporary.
Luckily for Bug, when the staff contacted their network of foster families, they found a willing home for him. Bug adjusted quickly to his new environment.

In his foster home, Bug quickly won over one particular person: his foster dad, a self-proclaimed dog lover. “Bug’s all about the love. He pretty much would not let my husband ignore him,” his wife shared with The Dodo. “My husband’s like, ‘Oh, we’re keeping him for sure.’”
Bug was always by his foster dad’s side, on his lap, and constantly licking him. In return, his foster dad showered him with affection. It wasn’t long before he declared to his wife and the shelter staff that Bug was there to stay.

The shelter staff found it amusing that the dog-lover in the family was the one insisting on adopting Bug. But this was great news for Bug, who would now always have a home and never face the loneliness of a kennel or the streets again.
In his new home, Bug isn’t just living with his human parents; he also has cat brothers. “He likes to play with his brothers,” his mom said. “They were on top of the refrigerator. Leo wanted to come over to me for some attention, but Bug was like, ‘No, we’re playing. We’re not done here.’”

It’s wonderful that they all get along so well. If they didn’t, who knows what would have happened to Bug?
Bug was a highly sought-after cat, with many people eager to adopt him. It’s heartwarming for Bug to know that so many people wanted to give him a loving home filled with the affection he deserves.