Rescue Kitten Gets Her First Hug, Now It’s How She Shows Her Love!

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on November 8, 2015

This story is hard to hear for me, but maybe that’s because this is the exact same way that Mr. Purple came into my life. Cashew, the sweet little innocent newborn kitten, was discarded like she was nothing in front of a Petsmart at just a few weeks of age.

According to the kind woman who took her in: “She was COVERED in fleas, her fur matted with filth, and had an issue with her right eye,” reddit user flashypurplepatches wrote.

I know the same pain that she felt when she looked into the eyes of her baby kitty. The first time I held Mr. Purple in my arms–I couldn’t imagine anyone not wanting him, and it hurt me inside knowing some evil person threw him from a car in front of a Petsmart, when he was nothing but a small kitten with “no milk, no mama, and no litter box” (cue Puss in Boots).

When she took Cashew in, the poor kitten craved kindness and love:

“The night I took her home, she wouldn’t stop crying unless I held her against my chest. I ended up holding her all night, which is probably why she cuddles this way now.”

So, from that first time she cuddled her, Cashew (the now 7 month old kitten) insists to only be held this way! And it’s just the cutest! Take a look:

Cashew on her first days home:

cashew hand

cashew dog

When the cuddles started on that very first night:


And now at 7 months:

cashew 1

And as you can see, sweet little Cashew will only be cuddled, no laps for her!

cashew 2

cashew 3

cashew 4

cashew 5

cashew 6All images can be found here on her user page:

I’m so happy that little Cashew is getting the loving, forever home that she deserves–and something tells me that her human doesn’t mind the constant cuddles one bit! 🙂

And here’s a few photos of my sweet boy, Mr. Purple, who clearly wants nothing more than to be near those he loves!



This story is hard to hear for me, but maybe that’s because this is the exact same way that Mr. Purple came into my life. Cashew, the sweet little innocent newborn kitten, was discarded like she was nothing in front of a Petsmart at just a few weeks of age.

According to the kind woman who took her in: “She was COVERED in fleas, her fur matted with filth, and had an issue with her right eye,” reddit user flashypurplepatches wrote.

I know the same pain that she felt when she looked into the eyes of her baby kitty. The first time I held Mr. Purple in my arms–I couldn’t imagine anyone not wanting him, and it hurt me inside knowing some evil person threw him from a car in front of a Petsmart, when he was nothing but a small kitten with “no milk, no mama, and no litter box” (cue Puss in Boots).

When she took Cashew in, the poor kitten craved kindness and love:

“The night I took her home, she wouldn’t stop crying unless I held her against my chest. I ended up holding her all night, which is probably why she cuddles this way now.”

So, from that first time she cuddled her, Cashew (the now 7 month old kitten) insists to only be held this way! And it’s just the cutest! Take a look:

Cashew on her first days home:

cashew hand

cashew dog

When the cuddles started on that very first night:


And now at 7 months:

cashew 1

And as you can see, sweet little Cashew will only be cuddled, no laps for her!

cashew 2

cashew 3

cashew 4

cashew 5

cashew 6All images can be found here on her user page:

I’m so happy that little Cashew is getting the loving, forever home that she deserves–and something tells me that her human doesn’t mind the constant cuddles one bit! 🙂

And here’s a few photos of my sweet boy, Mr. Purple, who clearly wants nothing more than to be near those he loves!

