“Purassic” World Is Way Better Than Jurassic World!

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on June 25, 2015

You’d have to be basically living under a rock if hadn’t heard that a new Jurassic Park movie is out in theaters. But what if all those big and scary dinosaurs were actually cats?! We all know that cats are powerful creatures, and super sized cats would probably make for a pretty scary predator! With this cool idea in mind Tumblr user Khans&Kittens used some technology to create, you guessed it, Purassic World. And the results are hilariously entertaining! See for yourself below, because he was nice enough to let us share his images with you!








If you’d like to see more from Khans&Kittens on Tumblr, click here! And if you’re a sucker for the original like I am, check out his Jurassic Kitten post, too!