Clever Cat Makes The Best Out Of A Bad Situation

| Published on June 28, 2016

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! But that can be easier said than done depending on the situation. For example, when we get injured, it’s hard to make lemonade out of being laid up for a few weeks. What’s good about that cast….”having” to binge watch the newest season of Game of Thrones, perhaps?

Well, this cat doesn’t let an injury stop him from following age-old advice – he may have to wear the cone of shame, but he is wielding it to his advantage:

cat drinking cone of shame1

Just watch how he uses it to get himself a fresh drink of water right from the tap!

How hilarious is that? Now, we know what you are thinking – this cat must be one smart cookie! But, there are quite a few internet kitties that also figured out this cute trick. Mine, a three-year-old kitty that found the cone great for getting a drink of water:

And so did this black beauty:

Then there is this cat. Poor Meelo just can’t quite figure out the trick of drinking with the cone on:

Kind of makes you wonder if these cats missed the cone once it was removed? (Well, all of them except Meelo probably.) What do you think – did your cat ever make use of the cone while wearing it? Share your stories in the comments!