Cat Health Issues

5 Ways To Ease Your Cat’s IBD Symptoms

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, is a fairly common illness in cats that causes chronic gastrointestinal upset. Your cat might experience a lot of abdominal...

5 Symptoms of Feline Hyperthyroidism

One of the most common ailments in our feline friends is an over-active thyroid, known as hyperthyroidism. The average onset is around 12-13 years of...

My Cat Ate What?! 5 Insane X-Rays

Cats are mischievous creatures that have a knack for getting into trouble without us finding out until later. If you notice your cat is acting...

10 Symptoms of FeLV

Feline Leukemia Virus, or FeLV, is a transmittable virus that can be spread through bodily contact between cats. It’s a very deadly condition that severely...

5 Symptoms of Liver Disease in Cats

Liver disease is a serious condition and it’s important to make sure we can recognize symptoms as they appear. There are different types of liver...

10 Signs Of Cancer In Cats

Cancer is an ever-growing problem for our pets, so it’s no surprise that we’re always on the lookout for anything abnormal. Annual veterinary exams can...