In a heartwarming twist of fate, a cat battling cancer found her perfect forever home after a challenging journey filled with ups and downs. This is the story of Promise, a brave feline who never gave up hope, even when the odds were against her.
In April, Furry Nation Salvation, a dedicated non-profit animal rescue based in Port Orange, Florida, welcomed a new feline resident from a local shelter. This cat, now named Promise, had a difficult past. Adopted as a kitten, she was returned to the shelter four years later because she had developed a cancerous tumor on her leg. The shelter faced a tough decision, but Furry Nation Salvation stepped in to help.
Despite being adopted twice more, Promise was returned each time as her tumor continued to grow. By the time Furry Nation Salvation took her in, she was in a dire state—weak, lethargic, and barely eating. The rescue team considered euthanasia as a possible option, believing it might be the most humane course of action.
However, a turning point came when Promise was given appetite stimulants. She began to show signs of recovery, demonstrating a remarkable will to live. “Apparently, she wanted to make sure we knew she wasn’t giving up,” Furry Nation Salvation shared in a heartfelt Facebook post. “So, guess what… we aren’t giving up either.”
Veterinarians performed x-rays and were relieved to find that the cancer had not spread beyond her leg. With this glimmer of hope, the decision was made to amputate her leg to give her the best chance of survival. The surgery was a success, and the biopsy results showed that no cancer remained in the affected area. Promise also received a vaccine to help prevent the cancer from returning.
Throughout her ordeal, Promise remained resilient. “She is a fighter. She is a cancer warrior,” the rescue proudly wrote. Her spirit and determination were an inspiration to all who encountered her.
Weeks after her treatment, Promise’s story took an inspiring turn. She was adopted by Donna, a person who could truly understand her journey. Donna is a cancer survivor herself and cares for other three-legged cats, making her the perfect new owner for Promise. “Donna is no stranger to cancer. She’s battled it, just like Promise,” Furry Nation Salvation shared.
Promise is now adjusting to her new home and her new three-legged siblings. “She is adjusting to her new environment and new three-legged sisters,” the rescue wrote. “We know Promise is in the best hands. She will be loved for the rest of her life. And, she will not be failed again.”
Promise’s story is a testament to resilience, hope, and the incredible bond between humans and animals. We are thrilled to know that Promise is now cancer-free and has found a loving forever home with a fellow cancer survivor.
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@furrynationsalvation The cone saga continues…as we approach 5 weeks, Promise is still stuck in cone life! Over the weekend, she had ZERO scabs remaining…so we took the cone off. She happily munched on dinner without bothering the incision site. So. I went to grab something and when I got back within a few minutes…the site was already red, bleeding and irritated We have just received Rutin, a supplement that is supposed to help with the itchiness. Hopefully that will help. But for now, we must make this up to her through Churus. MANY, MANY Churus. We are expecting the Torigen Cancer Vaccine to arrive this week. It’s a specially formulated vaccine based off the thumbprint of her actual tumor! While we are at the surgeon for that, we’ll also see if he has any other ideas on how we can get this cone off without her irritating the incision site! Thank you to everyone who has donated for her surgery and sent over well wishes for her. Promise was surrendered to the shelter back in April after her owner found out that Promise had cancer on her leg. Promise was adopted and returned 2 more times from the shelter. We rescued her in April, and she was very weak. Her tumor had grown in size. Luckily we were able to get her into a board certified surgeon and get her leg amputated right away! #fibrosarcoma #cancercat #catcancer #blackcat #housepanther #rescuedcat #rescuedismyfavoirtebreed #adopt #rescue #torigenvaccine #sheltercat #shelterpet #conelife #coneofshame #tripod #tripawds #catvideo #catreel #furrynationsalvation #fuckcancer ♬ original sound – Furry Nation Salvation
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In a heartwarming twist of fate, a cat battling cancer found her perfect forever home after a challenging journey filled with ups and downs. This is the story of Promise, a brave feline who never gave up hope, even when the odds were against her.
In April, Furry Nation Salvation, a dedicated non-profit animal rescue based in Port Orange, Florida, welcomed a new feline resident from a local shelter. This cat, now named Promise, had a difficult past. Adopted as a kitten, she was returned to the shelter four years later because she had developed a cancerous tumor on her leg. The shelter faced a tough decision, but Furry Nation Salvation stepped in to help.
Despite being adopted twice more, Promise was returned each time as her tumor continued to grow. By the time Furry Nation Salvation took her in, she was in a dire state—weak, lethargic, and barely eating. The rescue team considered euthanasia as a possible option, believing it might be the most humane course of action.
However, a turning point came when Promise was given appetite stimulants. She began to show signs of recovery, demonstrating a remarkable will to live. “Apparently, she wanted to make sure we knew she wasn’t giving up,” Furry Nation Salvation shared in a heartfelt Facebook post. “So, guess what… we aren’t giving up either.”
Veterinarians performed x-rays and were relieved to find that the cancer had not spread beyond her leg. With this glimmer of hope, the decision was made to amputate her leg to give her the best chance of survival. The surgery was a success, and the biopsy results showed that no cancer remained in the affected area. Promise also received a vaccine to help prevent the cancer from returning.
Throughout her ordeal, Promise remained resilient. “She is a fighter. She is a cancer warrior,” the rescue proudly wrote. Her spirit and determination were an inspiration to all who encountered her.
Weeks after her treatment, Promise’s story took an inspiring turn. She was adopted by Donna, a person who could truly understand her journey. Donna is a cancer survivor herself and cares for other three-legged cats, making her the perfect new owner for Promise. “Donna is no stranger to cancer. She’s battled it, just like Promise,” Furry Nation Salvation shared.
Promise is now adjusting to her new home and her new three-legged siblings. “She is adjusting to her new environment and new three-legged sisters,” the rescue wrote. “We know Promise is in the best hands. She will be loved for the rest of her life. And, she will not be failed again.”
Promise’s story is a testament to resilience, hope, and the incredible bond between humans and animals. We are thrilled to know that Promise is now cancer-free and has found a loving forever home with a fellow cancer survivor.
Please ‘SHARE’ to pass on this story to a friend or family member
@furrynationsalvation The cone saga continues…as we approach 5 weeks, Promise is still stuck in cone life! Over the weekend, she had ZERO scabs remaining…so we took the cone off. She happily munched on dinner without bothering the incision site. So. I went to grab something and when I got back within a few minutes…the site was already red, bleeding and irritated We have just received Rutin, a supplement that is supposed to help with the itchiness. Hopefully that will help. But for now, we must make this up to her through Churus. MANY, MANY Churus. We are expecting the Torigen Cancer Vaccine to arrive this week. It’s a specially formulated vaccine based off the thumbprint of her actual tumor! While we are at the surgeon for that, we’ll also see if he has any other ideas on how we can get this cone off without her irritating the incision site! Thank you to everyone who has donated for her surgery and sent over well wishes for her. Promise was surrendered to the shelter back in April after her owner found out that Promise had cancer on her leg. Promise was adopted and returned 2 more times from the shelter. We rescued her in April, and she was very weak. Her tumor had grown in size. Luckily we were able to get her into a board certified surgeon and get her leg amputated right away! #fibrosarcoma #cancercat #catcancer #blackcat #housepanther #rescuedcat #rescuedismyfavoirtebreed #adopt #rescue #torigenvaccine #sheltercat #shelterpet #conelife #coneofshame #tripod #tripawds #catvideo #catreel #furrynationsalvation #fuckcancer ♬ original sound – Furry Nation Salvation