Cat Shows Up at Woman’s Door, Asks to Come in from the Cold

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| July 12, 2024

When we see an animal in need, our first instinct is to help. This is exactly what happened to a sweet cat on a freezing winter day in Canada.

On Valentine’s Day, a cat knocked on a woman’s door, instantly winning her heart. It was February and snowing, and she was puzzled by the noise, which sounded like crying.

She followed the sound to her back door and found an orange tabby standing in the snow, pawing at the door.

A cat was sitting on her porch, asking to come inside. It was freezing cold, and the tabby looked like it was in serious trouble. It had one of the saddest faces the woman had ever seen.

Fortunately, the cat was in luck. The woman was not just any person; she was a foster volunteer with Un Chat à la Fois, a local kitten rescue. She took a photo of the cat and sent it to Marie Simard, the founder of the shelter.

“She said she knew we were not taking adult cats and was looking to help him. As soon as I saw the picture it broke my heart, and I told her to take him to our partner clinic so he could be evaluated.” – The Dodo

The cat stayed at the door until they let him inside. Unlike most stray cats, he did not try to escape. He knew he needed to get inside to survive. Once inside and at the shelter, it became clear why he was seeking help.

The poor cat was covered in bites and wounds, likely from a fight. He also had fleas and ticks in his fur. His teeth were rotting and falling out, and he had frostbite and diabetes.

In short, he would not have survived the winter. Despite his exhaustion and injuries, he was very happy to be around people.

You could tell this kitty was very affectionate. Whenever someone walked by his cage, he would stick his paw out, hoping for a pet, even if it was brief. Marie decided to name the cat Aslan after the Chronicles of Narnia series.


Support Moose's Law to Protect Animals From Repeat Offenders
Support Moose's Law to Protect Animals From Repeat Offenders

This bill offers a beacon of hope – barring people convicted of animal cruelty from ever working with or owning animals again.

After recovering at the shelter, Aslan found a forever home. Marie officially adopted him, and now Aslan has a happy life with her and her other cat, Cleo, who has become his best friend.

“He would just sleep next to her, groom her and she would groom him,” Simard said. “It made sense to have them stay together — two rescue cats who had a tough life.”

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