Cat Saves His Young Human’s Life By Shielding Him From A Bullet

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on August 31, 2015

We always hear stories about dogs rescuing humans from danger, but this story of a cat rescuing his human is truly incredible.

When Opie the cat was sleeping beside his young human, Anjelica Snipe’s three-year-old son, a stray bullet came through the window from the street. Whizzing only inches past where her son napped, Anjelica rushed to her son to see him still perfectly asleep. She looked to their cat Opie to see that he was injured from the bullet, which entered his body at the head and exited through his shoulder.

After rushing little Opie to a local animal hospital, the staff asked if she wanted her cat to be euthanized. Anjelica absolutely refused, ready to take on whatever injuries Opie faced as a way to thank him for saving her son’s life.

See their incredible story below:

We’re so glad that Opie and the little boy are both okay! What an amazing thing this cat did for his human that he loves so much. They should reward him with Fancy Feast for life.