Cat Is Already A Diva And She’s Just Recording Her First Single!

Written by: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| Published on October 18, 2015

Meet Luna the singing cat, and today she’s recording her first single which is going to be a sure hit! Well, it will be a hit if only she’ll focus more and not give too much attitude! Come on, you little diva, concentrate and make nice! Your fans will grow into hundreds of thousands if you’ll only concentrate on your “meows” more and get into the rhythm of the music.

Well, maybe Luna’s not in the mood to record today or maybe she’s hungry so why not take a break. She might want some catnip..oh okay, maybe not a good idea. Let’s feed her some tuna..okay, the little brat wants salmon. So let’s give her salmon and milk to drink and let her take a cat nap and who knows, she might be in a better mood when she wakes up!

Oh, these diva singers, they’re all the same! They can be impossible to deal with at times. It’s a good thing that Luna’s just too adorable for words and one can’t get upset with her for long. Share this with other cat lovers, I”m sure they’ll look forward to buying her first big hit!