Funny Texts From Sarcastic Cats–These Are Good!

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on July 7, 2015

We don’t know why, but naturally we assume that our cats would be a bit sarcastic if they had the ability to form sentences. Maybe it’s because of their moody nature, or the way they slink about the house doing as they please and not really caring too much about it. Now, let’s play pretend for a moment and have a little fun! Because this funny website came up with a clever idea that will having you chuckling just a bit. Introducing “Texts from Sarcastic Cats”…. Enjoy!

(All images can be found at













Those were pretty funny, right? What do you think your cat would say if they had the ability to text you while you were away? Share these funny cat messages with your friends who love cats just like you!